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What Jenny


However, a corresponding document not received Sabine. Long, Sabine was looking for a small apartment for her daughter. “Hartz IV? No, please don’t.” Landlords have become cautious. Finally the answer came. A rental agreement was concluded for Jenny.

Finally, the Consortium had to Yes statement. The BAfoG application was rejected. Sabine was ARGE Jenny. U25 – a maximum security – secured almost better than our prisons. Jenny was very small.

Fortunately, Sabine remained sovereign. In the discussion was the two communicated, that there are no claims on Hartz. Now brought more maintenance in the field, although was known that Jenny’s biological father did not pay and even the youth welfare office in this favored a lengthy court speed. The discussion escalated – actually work as expected. “Why, they assure only us that Hartz entitlement, and now deny it.” Sabine got excited. The anger was to see her. The editor put the specific button, how to find it in banks. Safety stop at the ARGE is important. Especially for U25 – for young people under the age of 25. Shortly afterwards was even the guards in the room. With an almost reminiscent of satire formulation “This not false testimony was, but only an incomplete”, the editor more or less abruptly ended the conversation. The move came, without the ARGE had clarified how Jenny is secured. Only for a month, the ARGE granted a provisional payment of housing benefit. The weeks passed. Correspondence increased. ARGE was despite combines from BAfoG application on the jurisdiction of the BAfoG Office and refused the granting of Hartz IV equipment and/or housing benefit. Money did not flow as a result. The rent had to be paid. The last Notgelder of the family were exhausted. What Jenny fed without money, didn’t at the ARGE apparently. In their distress so she had to do it yourself. Her parents were far away. Lawyer Olaf Vogel took up the case. Shaking his head he looked at the ping pong game of the two institutions at the expense of the needy. The neediness would be after his opinion, or BAfoG Office although sure yet to clarify whether by ARGE. In any case the ARGE must jump a provisionally – at least until the clarification -. He filed a lawsuit against the decisions of ARGE and BAfoG-Office, applied for a provisional Urgent decision on the payout. Casually, he mentioned that probably half of all local Hartz IV decisions were wrong. The next weeks were marked by the anxiety. Post went back and forth. Whether the daughter could cancel not your vocational diploma and prefer to parents could. Also the Hartz-IV-Stelle at the new place of residence was drawn into this with. Just shook his head about the operations. But there are differences in the ARGE. As an editor of the contradiction point advocated increasingly Jenny. Finally, the housing benefit was granted for the time being. Jenny can laugh again. her eyes light up again. Jenny seems to have a future here in Saxony, Germany. Just before Christmas, just before Christmas. Even if the process before the Sozialgericht is still running, a piece of hope… Christmas just at the right time – is it the Festival of hope. In this sense, all a happy, peaceful and blessed Christmas with the family, a radiance in all children’s eyes and a sharpened eye for all children, the need our help linkehoeppi

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