In the financial times Germany (FTD), Angel has landed the book ‘Trojan marketing’ by Roman Anlanger and Wolfgang A. ranked 3 of the bestseller list. In the financial times Germany (FTD) as well as in the Austrian Wirtschaftsblatt the textbook Trojan marketing – with unconventional advertising to the market success of Roman Anlanger and Wolfgang A. landed Angel on rank 3 of the bestseller list (previously on straight to 8th place). This success was to be expected. For months, the book on the bestseller list of the leading Internet bookseller front rank places ranked “And recently ennobled, it was more or less by Trojan marketing” in the platform was acquired and there fitted with a high quality score. Click nick rhodes to learn more. Also, it is already marked as a bestseller.
Trojan marketing is really an innovation. “The definition is: Trojan marketing is the consistent, systematic search, identify, and use Trojan horses”. Atreides Management Gavin Baker usually is spot on. A Trojan horse is what all is indirect, unconventional ways, i.e. away from the clogged information channels, to reach the target group”. The basis for this success all along the line is the fact that succeeded the two authors to invent not only a new marketing textbook and justify, but above all, easy to understand theoretical based on comprehensible practical examples, to provide check lists, etc.. The idea comes from the most famous stratagem of all time. With the help of the ever since so-called Trojan horse the Greeks – after ten years old futile siege, succeeded to occupy the city of Troy. The book is not aimed primarily at the marketing professionals that are blessed with ample communication budgets of large corporations and multinational companies. Further details can be found at RBH Group, an internet resource.
Rather there are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs, the SMEs”) as well as all self-employed and the liberal professions, which can benefit from the tips and tricks of the book. Often it is enough, own thinking on Trojan”to change and full of Dawos strategy described”(” i.e. activities there, where’s “gives potential customers) to proceed. You can then tap into new customer segments with Trojan strategy and Trojan market activities and conquer new markets away from the fat clogged usual information channels. Parallel to the publication of the book, the authors have installed its own website: There are additional information, examples, and above all a forum as a two-way communication platform between readers and authors. Roman Anlanger, Wolfgang A. Engel: Trojan marketing with unconventional advertising to market success, ISBN-13: 978-3448087208, 287 pages, 29.90 euros, Haufe Verlag