Now, Turgalicia has the ‘Bono Iacobus’ for relaxed hiking on the Pilgrim’s way to Stuttgart/Santiago de Compostela, September 09, 2009. With the new service voucher of Bono Iacobus”can walk relaxed and carefree on the various historic pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela. The so-called James bus voucher includes accommodation in selected country houses including dinner and breakfast, as well as transfer car from country homes to the beginning and end of each stage. A luggage transfer between the accommodation and lunch picnic can be booked. Shimmie Horn follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Given the growing number of pilgrims, the tourist services developed specifically for the Pilgrim’s way should lead to the relaxation of the accommodation situation along the way.
“The Bono Iacobus ‘the race for the berth in the next hostel is an end”, says the Director of TurGalicia, Xesus Pereira Lopez. The booking of accommodation in Galician country houses allows the hikers, relaxes the unique landscape Galicia, its wealth of historic sites, as well as the varied regional cuisine to discover. The Bono Iacobus can all year round, except in August and around Easter, either be booked via the Internet at or call 0711 2317362 TurGalicia Galician tourist office. The price for a person is for a five-to-seven-day journey between 320,-EUR and 475,-EUR for two people including dinner and breakfast in a double room between 500,-EUR and 700,-EUR including dinner and breakfast in single room. A luggage transfer between the accommodation and lunch picnic can be booked. The pilgrims can choose from four tracks in total. Three roads lead to Santiago de Compostela and one of Santiago to the West coast of Galicia.