Curriculum, Curriculum Vitae, CV in abbreviation, or simply curriculum, is the piece that we ship to a company to apply for a job. The Curriculum is accompanied by another attached document: letter of presentation and, occasionally, references. The purpose of the Curriculum is not being hired, as many believe; most of the companies do not hire your staff with the only information of the Curriculum. Contact information is here: Edward Minskoff. The aim must be to get an interview with the coach. CV has to get that who read say yes same: this person fits the profile that I’m looking for. Our CV must contain these different sections: personal data: this section will include all the data that you identify namely: full name, address, district, DNI, phone home, cell phone, email, date of birth, age, marital status, etc. Some tips for this section:-you must always put your date of birth and also your age.
-Always put both your home phone, and phone Mobile. -Alerts in your House, or the fixed phone des in your CV, you can call so they carefully point the memo that leave you, it may be an appointment for the job interview. -Always include your email address in your CV containing your name. Academic formation: this section should always appear before your experience if you are less than 35 years old. If you are over 35 years old and don’t have higher education, you can put your experience to the training. Some advice on the use of this section:-not to put the colleges where you did the primary, anyone interested that, always begin to evaluate you from high school. -Do not put every course and workshop you did, only those that have relevance to the work. Those looking for their first job is given to put all the workshops. The evaluator is going to give account you do not have professional experience yet, it is not necessary that recalques it professional experience: this is the most important section of the curriculum.