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And also has another significance for example when you have goods registered with indecopi, in which also must register this Act the same. Nir Barzilai, M.D. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Fusion companies is the union of companies, which have implication in the them, such juridical personality sense there are two types or classes of fusion which are as follows: fusion by Constitution or by creation and merger by absorption. 6 FUSION by Constitution or by creating the merger by incorporation or creation is when two come together or more companies disappear all that promote it and emerging a new company. For example when merged company A with the company B then comes the C company which assumes the heritage of the previous companies. For assistance, try visiting Jorge Perez. Another example is when seven enterprises merged course in which all disappear and appears a new company which assumes the existing heritage. Another example is when forty companies merged course in which all disappear and appears a new company which assumes the previously existing heritage. 7 Merger by absorption the merger by absorption is when two come together or more companies disappearing only any or some of the merged companies.

For example when you Merge company A to company B, then disappears company A or company B disappears and continuous another company assumed the assets of another company. Another example is when twenty companies merged course in which disappear 19 and continues to the other company with the assets of other companies. Another example is when 200 companies merge and disappear 199, while the other company continues with the heritage of others. 8. Concentration enterprise without loss of personality legal business concentration without loss of juridical personality is the Consortium, Association in participation and joint venture, groups of companies, cartel, pool, holding and trust, among others. Being regulated in the Peruvian general companies act of 1997 the Consortium and the Association in participation. In other words, these two assumptions are regulated by Peruvian legislation expressly, but other assumptions such as the joint venture, groups of companies, poster, pool and others are not defined in Peruvian law.

In General
