1853 the Constituent Reformadora Convention and Convention of 1860. To know more about this subject visit Fabrizio Freda. Reformers: The later ones, that reforms the dictated Constitution. Reforms: 1866-1898-1949-1957-1994 Derivative: it arises from the original one, it is a command rate and obedience through what the political monopoly of the physical force assigns itself: of 1 degree: National. 2 degree: Provincial. 3 degree: Policeman. Constitution: it is the fundamental Norm of all the legal ordering (Kelsen) that organizes to the state through the division of the tripartite power, and the declaration of the rights and guarantees of the citizens.
The constitution this dictated by the Constituent Power. The Constitutions can be written or verbal. The written Constitutions can Be codified: they can be in a single Legal or Dispersed body, Following his content they can be: rigid, flexible or stony. Rigid: a special procedure reforms the Constitution. Flexible: there is no disposition that says as this Constitution must reform, can be made with a Law or some conventional norm Stony: it is not possible to be reformed. Classic Constitucionalismo: It arises in century XIII with three revolutions: English (Hobbs), Independence of the USA (Shel), French (Rosseau, montesquieu, Voltaire).
They were movements ideological that they looked for you limit in the power. Constitution of 1853 Sources. Direct sources: bases de Alberdi and the Constitution of the United States. Indirect sources: the French Constitution of 1791, the Constitution of Cadiz of 1812, the Constitution of Chile of 1833, the Federalist dentrote the Constitution of the United States, the Statutes of 1815, the 1817 regulation, the Constitution of 1819, the 1826 Federal Pact and Constitution of 1831. In 1852, the governors of the fourteen integral provinces of the Argentina Confederation signed the Agreement of San Nicholas, by whom they summoned a Constituent Congress. Nevertheless the 11 of September the Province of Buenos Aires separated of confederation, since Buenos Aires did not accept to mainly transfer the power that was reserved to him, as for the equality of representation in the congress (two deputies by province and to the nationalization of the customs announced in article 19 of the Pact of San Nicholas), due to which no it comprised of the congress.