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Problems in the selection of managers Sales Now let’s focus on issues that are common to virtually every business in the selection of sales managers. This problem can be divided into two categories: real issues and so-called contrived problems. Real problems. If we talk about real issues, they are all tied up in a strict logical chain. 1) Lack of a clear portrait of the candidate and system sales in the company. Let’s start with the fact that the selection of sales manager for the company is often no clear picture of the candidate. To make such a portrait, you need to clearly understand what constitutes a sale of the company.

What do I need? You need to answer series of simple questions: Who is your customer? How to build communication with the client? At what point in the chain of sales will run a candidate? Judge for yourself if the sales manager only works on incoming calls – this is one portrait of the candidate, if he needs to run through the fields and engage in active sales – requires a completely different person when it comes to sales in the cabin – this is the third portrait of a sales manager, etc. That is portrait of the candidate is made depending on who the client how to build a relationship with him in the company and part of a sales manager. The problem of lack of a clear portrait of a sales manager stems from the very the main problem – lack of sales in the company.

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