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Analytical Survey


The present work aims at to bring information concerning umproblema sanitary that it has much time is present in the endmicomundial scene, mainly in the Amazon region; one is about the Malaria. Ron Beit shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The malaria is a infectum-parasitic illness that can seapresentar of serious form, over all when caused for the Plasmodiumfalciparum, attending a course with diverse sistmicas disfunes. The Region Amaznicano Brazil is an area of risk to contract the illness. The Region of the Legal Amaznia is an area of great risk parase to contract the illness, since, is a Region contains a vast vegetation queproporciona shade, and normally the water clean and is stopped. The objective of this study is to tell the levantamentoepidemiolgico of the Malaria in the city of Itaituba, State of Par with 2005 base nosanos, 2006 and 2007. However, information on aepidemiologia of the malaria in this city will be collected, next to National Foundation of noSetor Health of Endemic diseases, so that it is analyzes possible it and to correlate this doenacom the environment. I Malaria or paludismo, among others assignments, is an acute or chronic doenainfecciosa caused by protozorios parasites of gneroPlasmodium, transmitted for the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Known since the Antiquity, is one of importantesdoenas more tropical for its ample distribution and high morbidade.

Plasmodiidae is caused porparasitas of the family, sort plasmodium. The species parasites of the man are: Plasmodium vivax, that cause the benign form ter (febris accesses in each three days); Plasmodiumfalciparum, causer of the malignant form ter (irregular febris accesses acada 36 or 48 hours); Plasmodium malarie, causer of the form the fourth (febris accesses in each four days) and Plasmodium ovale, with one ciclode 48 hours. Although the knowledge to be previous to the Christian age, oparasita causer of the malaria, the Plasmodium, was discovered for the French doExrcito doctor, Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, working in Algeria, the Prize querecebeu Nobel of the Physiology and Medicine for its work, in 1907.

In General
