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School Performance


Keywords: Indiscipline, Disciplines, Learning, School Performance Life in society needs rules that guides the personal relations, that make possible the interaction dialogues, it and cooperation between the people. The school, for being also an environment of social conviviality, also needs orienting rules for the convivncia between pupils and professors and action of the education. These orienting rules are characterized of discipline and are longed for by the professors to facilitate its action of coordinator of the educative process. It has a general consensus enters the educators of whom without the indiscipline a education-learning process does not have as if to take the good term. Edward Minskoff can aid you in your search for knowledge. The conceptualization of the terms disciplines and indiscipline complex and changeable when is taken in certain environments. The concept of disciplines that more if sobressai is of a set of used norms and rules to keep the order, and in the pertaining to school scope, to facilitate the action of the professor.

This concept also is questioned by studious of the area, because it passes the idea of submissos pupils, silenced, quiet that they do not interact with the professor who impose its idea. What valley to stand out is that such idea can if to relate the beliefs, dogmas or customs and that these are taken by the individuality and they cannot be taxes, but is had that to only open way so that the pupil constructs its beliefs, dogmas, customs that finish for discharging in the knowledge. To open way means to dialogue, opposes accurately it of the concept of disciplines nailed for the traditional pedagogia. For (Blacksmith apud Rabbit), indiscipline is: ' ' all said act or disciplines I oppose it, that it takes the clutter, the disobedience, rebelio' '. It disciplines how much it is ' ' regimen of imposed order or freely assented that it agrees to the regular functioning of one organizao' ' (2006, p.11).

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