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The asparagus season goes only until June now take the opportunity to enjoy the German favourite dish. Asparagus, a delicious feast for everyone. Who does not, as a child only the asparagus tips liked him since this intense taste and as an adult would you prefer Cook still a tasty brew from the shell.But not everyone which asparagus use white for what is a short information what you can green the or get out of white asparagus, so here. Because the asparagus season goes by approx. Beginning of April up to the eve of asparagus, which is celebrated on 24 June will only have little time to take advantage of the asparagus season! Asparagus varieties called the asparagus or even asparagus you can buy in the most frequent form of the field or in the retail sector as green asparagus “or white asparagus”. Swarmed by offers, Albert Einstein College of Medicine is currently assessing future choices. The green asparagus is not as erroneously told young asparagus but a separate species.

This is however less bitter and tart. The white asparagus, which is very popular in Germany, is However, just a different breed not mature but the predominant opinion. Learn more on the subject from Edward Minskoff. But there are also differences: the green asparagus is due to its longer durability and easier harvesting methods cheaper in the market to buy. Asparagus from the region now is the big question, where can I buy my asparagus? I buy it at the discount store, in a bio-shop at the farmers as well as on? Unfortunately no blanket statement can be made here. You can have luck and at the discount store around the corner to buy an asparagus which is wonderfully fresh at the farmers to buy an old herb which has the best time before 2 weeks behind. This trust tricks on Grandma to buy good asparagus. Slightly press the sticking point, this should be here liquid escape is a very good indication for this purpose that the asparagus is fresh.

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