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Destruction Program


Accidentally thrown the word defined my life for a year. 'Here it is precisely because of Indigo children' – the woman said the psychic, pointing to me. I remembered the word, but a long time, probably six months did not reach my hands up to find out what it means. And finally, how it happened to be on the internet, I remembered it and typed into Google. The first place where I fell, it was the Indigo forum, known to the entire Internet, since the most hyped. I read the topic for the topic, article after article, and understand what all this about me.

Extrasensory abilities, memories of past life, love of nature, a social exclusion God, I thought, as I previously did not know what it's called that way! All listed quality coincided with my real qualities and character traits. It was amazing! I was overwhelmed by a storm of emotions. At the forum was a craftsman, who at that time in some artful way he could determine who Indigo and who is not on the photo. I sent him 3 of his photographs, and all three were rejected. Sent another 3, and again he said that from wrong. My impatience was growing. Until I got the answer, I sent more than 15 photographs. Reply was positive: yes, you indigo. That was all that he wrote me a personal message on the forum. My joy was indescribable. 'I was elected, elected! " – Persistent motif sounded in my mind

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