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' Because we do not dare to classify us, or to compare us with some, that if praise itself same; but these that if measure itself same, and if compare obtain same, are without entendimento.' ' 2 Corntios 10:12 We commit a desmedida madness when in we measure we ourselves, finding that we are the maximum in we find them more important when we are recognized for the others and when pparently, we do not have problems It stops of if still comparing with you yourselves, standing out itself, that is, finding itself better of what the others, therefore that is madness! If God has in them used, in has granted agreement to them, knows, that he is not for our merit, NOT! Much less it is for our qualities but yes, we receive blessings for favour from God, that is a imerecido favor that It grants to Its children, when perceives that they place the faith that has in practical. ' ' It knows, however, this: that in the last days laborious times will supervene. Because it will have same men loving of itself, miserly, presumptuous, magnificent, blasphemous, disobedient the parents and mothers, ingrates, profane, Without natural affection, irreconciliveis, calumniators, incontinentes, cruel, without love stop with good, Treasonous, stubborn, the proud ones, more friends of the delights of what friends of God, Having mercy appearance, but denying the effectiveness of it. From these it moves away-te.' ' 2 Timteo 3:1 – 5 Laborious times, wild men: it is moved away from them! It gives to them Word to it of God, but it does not fall in friendship, not! They resist the truth, but its madness remains public, therefore they do not advance, do not progress. They, due to its stubbornness, do not obtain to hear when God speaks to them of peace! If some afflictions are in you, part pardon the God and have also asked for the transformation of this picture, say that you not that this madness all of the enemy in its life. . If you would like to know more about Daryl Katz, then click here.

In General
