If you choose flowers in the cabin, the first thing I look at the petals, they should be smooth and firm. Limp petals means that the color is not fresh. Freshly bought flowers to be placed immediately in warm water. Packaging must and remove the cellophane too, that nothing prevented the access of air. Stems should be cut into 2-3 cm and placed in water. May not be near water, if you’re not home, then you can wrap the stems of wet newspaper, and even better put into the package with water. And at home, place the flowers from the pre-cut stems in water.
To preserve the color of water, add a special additive that will nourish the flowers separately. If the water is supplements, then cut the flowers do not need, just change the water twice a week. Plain water should be changed every day and just a little trim the stems. Roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, require special care because they relate to the colors of tree stems. These flowers absorb water in a minimum amount.
By the onion flowers are tulips, daffodils, irises, and they have a thickened end of the stem. Before processing, cut white portion of the stem as water can absorb only the green part. These flowers can not be placed in deep water. In this case, stems and petals are soaked with water will become thin and lifeless. Flowers should be stored in a cool place. Direct sunlight for them fatal. Flowers also do not like the fans, radiators and television sets. Before you put the flowers in a vase, do the following: Fill a vase with water and add a drug for the flowers. Leaves that are below water level, because because of the soaked the leaves will start to spread bacteria. The tips of the stems diagonally cut at 2-25 cm is best to do it under water, then air will not get into the stem. And most importantly, love flowers, treat them with tenderness, spray them regularly, take care as a living creature. Their magnificent views and a wonderful state will long to please you and your care will pay off.