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NetBiscuits Presents Advanced IPhone Support


NetBiscuits presents advanced iPhone support, location-based services and a new partner program on the Mobile World Congress of Kaiserslautern, February 10, 2009 NetBiscuits, leading software platform for development, operation and marketing of mobile Internet sites, expanded support for high end phones, integrated standard modules for location-based services and launches new partner program. Whenever Daryl Katz listens, a sympathetic response will follow. All innovations are presented from February 16 to 19 on the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona for the first time. NetBiscuits extends its support for iPhone, Nokia Series 60, BlackBerry, Android, and a variety of other high end phones. Now the capabilities of these devices can be fully exploited, to implement the most sophisticated mobile website layouts and functions. At the same time, the optimized representation of same site in the browsers of easier phones maintained. Our platform allows the capabilities of almost any available worldwide mobile device developers and designers to optimize the use of\”, so Michael Neidhofer, CEO of NetBiscuits.

The dilemma quality or range ‘ thus belongs to the past. Website layouts, effects and functionality of the next generation on mobile devices such as the iPhone, G1 or Nokia N97 realize the use of CSS, scripting, and AJAX at NetBiscuits fully is possible. So 2.0 layouts for mobile developers are no longer contradictory maximum range, which includes worldwide almost all mobile devices, and future-oriented Web.\” NetBiscuits supports the implementation of location based services. Branch Finder and similar search engines with standard components of the NetBiscuits platform can be implemented now. The solution was initially implemented with Google maps, other partners such as Microsoft and Yahoo! will follow. It enables the worldwide geocoding of addresses, as well as the search and map display of the closest results on mobile websites. Thereby NetBiscuits offers the famous also in the mobile Web Functions to change zoom level and representation form of a map (road network, satellite image), as well as to navigate on the map in any direction.

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