Tip of the month of October of the top dog school people and dogs are connected for more than 20,000 years in warm affection. The pet House dog has developed from the initial hunting community with the granddaddy of dog. Today the dog guarding livestock, leads blind, saves drowning, seeking buried, drugs, explosives, he is criminal, sport friend, Comrade and family member. Who lives even without the dog, comes into contact with him. It feels some fear and reluctance, others swear by him as a friend and partner. Man and dog common ways to better understand whether dog lover or not, many people know too little, what kind of animal the dog is. Therefore, a dog in the House may be the beginning of a wonderful friendship, but also a chain of misunderstandings.
But man and dog can learn to understand better. Puppies can melt the hearts of animal lovers as stupid ball of wool with Googly eyes and large paws. The dog is in Germany of one of the most popular pets and is regarded as Man’s best friend. So the two really have joy, they must learn only once from each other. The dog needs from day one on education and so this also works, especially the man must learn first about his friend. The key to a good relationship depends on between animals and humans as well as between man and man of them, namely how well one knows himself and arrives on the needs of others.
Dog and man two souls related why the dog is close to the people actually so? Hardly any other animal joins so closely the people. Perhaps it is because the dog quite well understand the people, because there are many similarities in the behavior: for example, both are area-based. Where the man is building a fence, dogs mark the boundaries of their territory with urine.