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The Lark


The highest levels of performance observed in the morning and afternoon from 9.10 to 18 h, and the evening performance decreases, reaching a minimum of 3-4 hours at night. Modern research has confirmed the generally established circadian rhythm of physical and mental capacity of man. However, there were obtained new data. It was found that maximum efficiency is observed from 10 to 12 hours, then its level drops a bit, and from 16 to 18 hours again slightly on the rise. The maximum individual functional indicators marked as in the morning and evening hours. So, this morning muscle strength less than in the evening, from 16 to 19 hours, many athletes above results in the long jump in the shot put, in the women’s 100 m. In addition, it was found that described changes in performance are characteristic only for some people (about 25%), about 30% have maximum values of efficiency only in the evening hours, and 45-50% – the same level of performance throughout the working day. These groups of people biorhythmology conventionally called “larks”, “owls” and “doves.”

History tells us that a high capacity for work in the morning (“larks”) differed by Napoleon, and A, Tolstoy, and wa Mozart, O. Balzac were typical of the “owls”. The largest number of “joint” common among creative people, and “The Lark” – among workers and employees. Besides pronounced circadian rhythms of physiological processes observed only in 50% of working people and the other half is subject to an artificial social rhythms, ie, productive work, in accordance with the regime and the demands of production. Thus, the rational organization of work and rest should take into account the daily periodicals physiological functions of humans. Naturally, the maximum work with minimum expenditure of energy and fatigue can be performed during periods of high efficiency, etc. is, for most people, from 9 to 20 h. Therefore, operation of enterprises, the beginning and end of shifts, rest breaks and sleep should be based on the features of the daily dynamics of human efficiency. It must be remembered that for 70-80% of people morning and afternoon hours are the most productive and work at this time productively. In the evening a man has to start working already at some level of fatigue caused by the past troubles of the day, falling activity of most functions, so the work in the evening hours, less productive and physiology. Does not meet the physiological requirements and work at night it violates biological circadian rhythms requires adjustment diurnal stereotype and is accompanied by considerable stress of nervous activity. As a result, productivity drops sharply and quickly comes fatigue. Shimmie Horn may find this interesting as well. Particularly acute for work the night shift reaction body of women, adolescents and adults over 50 years, so it is advisable not to involve them in night work. To optimize the functional reorganization of the human body during the transition from one shift to another mode is also important supply and quality of food, which may or may positively affect the Biorhythmological adaptation or hinder it.

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