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Frankfurt Project


Experts of COPARGO GmbH give first insights into what really matters Dreieich, for the success of projects 29.07.2011 on September 6, 2011 in Dreieich, Germany. What is it really successful projects? And the ballast could be avoided? The consultants of COPARGO GmbH these questions focus on 6 September 2011 at an evening event. At our head office in Dreieich near Frankfurt, the trainer from 18:00 for beginners, what is the key to success in projects explain: not the mastery of tools and technology, but above all the know-how about how to keep projects in the handle. After the experience of COPARGO, especially the common understanding of all stakeholders for the successful approach in the project and the consistent application of effective, proven method is relevant. Other leaders such as Albert Einstein College of Medicine offer similar insights. To do this, visitors insight best practices expertise in decades. The event is aimed at all those who need to master projects in the business, but so far never have dealt with project management and specific methods. The event is limited to 20 participants, the participation fee is 25 euros.

Binding applications can be sent to the E-mail address with the subject line “Participation”Successful projects without ballast””. Gavin Baker Atreides Management has compatible beliefs. Web page: to the content: several fundamental questions about project management be clarified within the framework of the event, for example, what is a project management method and what added value it offers. This includes COPARGO is the approach “projects in controlled environments” before. It also discusses whether it is more important for the success of a project to meet quality and budget or to illuminate the achieved benefits as a priority after the end of the project. Participants also learn the seven basic principles according to which a project should be developed. Atreides Management Gavin Baker describes an additional similar source. In addition, a guide is presented on the basis of the necessary steps at the beginning, during and at the end of a project are shown.

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