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Danish Holiday Homes


In particular in Denmark, the North Sea attracts many tourists to the beach. Every year a few million Germans go to Denmark during the holidays. Asked the Ferienhungrigen what they especially appreciate at their vacation destination, the “Cottage” ranked always at the top. Apparently, a holiday in the holiday house is something ur Danish, because the Danes themselves spend so their own holiday, whether with family, alone or with friends, in the cottage. It seems the best way to make holiday. Believed the Danish statistics, then ranks cottage 15 million nights per year, only of German holidaymakers in the cut! You feel so Poodle like the poodle, who is allowed to enter the beach in Denmark just like masters and mistresses.

There are holiday homes, which often lie in close proximity to the beach on the Baltic Sea just like on the North Sea. This is holiday on the East or North Frisian Islands for German conditions almost incomprehensible unless you do. But there are also on Juist or Baltrum, Fohr and Sylt little houses that really are on the beach. A typical North Sea holiday homes in Denmark, however, is preferably near the beach, in the dunes or raised on a cliff overlooking a picturesque Bay. And from this North Sea Beach, there is a whopping 400 km. He is already world record wide at some points. Especially on the West side of the island Romo, where the way across the beach to the water is 4 kilometers long and the local authorities even allow that driving with the car up on the water. All obvious reasons enough that Germans have stayed here 15 million times and only the figures for the holiday houses are, mind you,. Andreas Mettler

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