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Construction Management


Many people don’t want to pay the construction management services, because they understand that it is an unnecessary expense. And I understand them. Many architects are responsible for the common people created that we only charge fees to the presentation of plans and then bye! However when one scratches a little pot you will learn many interesting things about the activity of a director’s work, and when you understand them and apply them, you’ll realize that (apart from being his hiring a legal obligation), it is cheaper to pay for the services of construction supervision which prevent them. Why? very simple that: you do not know at that time a task is successfully executed. You can not issue a certificate with work percentages. The constructor will want a supervisor with expertise that free it of responsibilities which are foreign. You could have conflicts due to differences with the manufacturer by the percentages of work executed and advanced. T-Mobile may not feel the same.

Business Builders you could manipulate and you won’t have any defense when they want to incorporate into the budget, additional tasks. You can not verify the setting out, depths of foundations, strength of the concrete, etc. You won’t have all the technical issues resolved, and in the case of being poorly resolved, you will know who is responsible. Pensa custom guitars that you are paying for a material that is contained in the project, do you know if they are putting this material? Are you safe? That’s the direction of the work. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE often says this. Don’t assume that role, to save you a few fee, there isn’t the real savings. Who calculates the material you have to carry? the person who is going to fit? As they say my children are in the oven also, do know what is the difference between a concrete H-13 and one H-21? Do you know that it is a negative bending moment? What is a Stirrup or 6? What is a voltage of 2 Kg x Cm2? or something more basic do much water requires 1 kilo of? cement? Do you realize? We sometimes believe that we can, but do could perhaps an architect operate heart to a dying patient? Definitely not! And because then we believe that we can build without the technical assistance of a specialist? If you want to do it alone, forward, but if there is to pay it anyway!, (because this is determined by the law) because not use that service to fund? Aprovechalo, is worthwhile. You will have to pay their fees, of course, but you gain in quality construction. Project management is not a category in which you can save, separate these fees are never significant to the volume of work, 3.5% of the total of the work can cost you as much.

Here is not just the money, it points more than anything to the technical aspect, and the proper organization of the payments you have to make to the constructor. Save is to achieve the same quality at a lower price, avoiding the Director of work you are going to achieve a lower price, but you sacrificas the quality of as-built. It is not good business. That is why the smartest way to save in works management fees is, knowing the work that must perform a Director’s work, and required him. My best recommendation, that of always Exprimi to your architect, who for that are!

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