Highlighting the topic of aesthetic beauty are extremely varied the criteria used to classify cellulite: the location of the affected area, the severity of the damage, the appearance of the affected area, and so on. For this reason it is common that an individual submit more than one type of cellulite. Relative to your appearance, cellulite is classified into soft, compact and oedematous. Celulitas soft or flabby. It is a spongy, mobile tissue and little consistency. It is usually associated with atrophic muscles. The connective tissue, which is normally flexible, thickens and takes a gelatinous consistency increasingly denser. To know more about this subject visit teslar. It moves by walking and this type of cellulite is not usually painful.
Skin presents the typical orange peel at a glance. It is characteristic of sedentary people or which ever were active and which are not. It is also common in people that have uploaded and suddenly lost weight. Already been talking about medicine and female health cellulite usually occurs in women of middle age (30-40 years). Located mainly in the anterior and posterior face of the thighs, abdomen, back, arms and buttocks. Aqueous or edematous cellulite has a viscous or Pasty consistency with knots, is painful to the touch and sometimes annoying spontaneously. It is the result of fluid retention and signs of venous and lymphatic insufficiency in the lower limbs (edema, varicose veins, cramps, heaviness, pain, etc.) can be seen.
It could be crippling for the person who has it, and may require medical treatment.It occurs in women of all ages, although it is most common in young people and adolescents. Perhaps check out Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE for more information. The age of onset is 20-30 years. It is the least frequent cellulite. Are located mainly in the lower limbs (thighs and knees), but the most affected area is the lower part of the legs. Compact or hard cellulite is hard to the touch, firm, consistency without edema, being easy to observe the cellulite nodules without doing the pinch test (grainy appearance).