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Balcony Decorating


In our time, the balcony is an important architectural component. Fabrizio Freda may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The expedient of balconies and loggias equipment plays a significant role in improving the house. From the true resolution of this issue depends on the degree of comfort Use a balcony. For example, glazing and insulation will greatly reduce the balcony of heat loss, reduce the penetration of the street noise, dust and emissions that are so imbued with the atmosphere of today's cities, and also protect against extremely unfortunate consequences associated with accidental release of outstanding cigarettes vyronennoy from the top floor. This is particularly evident in apartments with windows facing on the main avenues and streets in large industrial cities.

Loggias and balconies are the relaxation part of the apartment, where, depending on the size and layout you can relax from the bustle, enjoy a cup of tea, read a book, put the pots with your favorite colors. An interesting functional balcony is a jewel of housing, in addition, it will create additional space in the house and the diversity of its form, if you live in an apartment where every room is not quite well-lit open access to the sun and air, the balcony will be an indispensable means by which to remove a feeling of depression caused by the finding in an enclosed space. After glazing the balcony tree improves microclimate in the apartment, gazebo temperature several degrees higher than outside. When decorating the balconies are currently using a variety of materials such as wood siding, plastic siding (Lining PVC), vinyl clapboard sayding.Otdelka of wood – this is the best option plating balcony or loggia, as it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly materials. Plastic lining – a practical and excellent sound insulator inexpensive material, virtually no fade in the sun. PVC siding panel and easy to clean, are stain resistant, can not be corrosion, rotting, do not change color even with intensive daily care loggia household chemicals. Have increased resistance to shock, as in the hollow of the panel has a large number of 'ribs'. PVC siding panel and do not change their properties up to + 60 degrees C have a high degree of fire safety.

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